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Pick 3 Probability and Smart Wagering is available as a digital book (ebook) at

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      This book covers probability as applied to Pick 3 lottery games. It shows players how to wager smarter by evaluating the expected returns of the base game and add-on games such as box, sum, one-off, fireball, and others. Add-on games are often a worse bet than a simple straight play.

      This book also dives into more advanced probability and stats including chi-squared analysis, expected number of unique combinations and repeats in sets of consecutive drawings, and much more. It also debunks common myths about Pick 3, such as the belief that certain types of numbers are more likely to be drawn.

      With this book, anyone can develop a more rational approach to playing Pick 3, and these principles can be extended to other draw games such as Pick 4, Powerball, Lotto, Cash 5, etc.